May 31st , from 20 h
June 1 st ,from  18 h

Come and join us  31 May and June 1 st
Kulturfactory, Via Raffaele Ferrante 4, Domicella

Reservations , camping , infos

Happening Under Vesuvio, an immersive event hosted at the Kulturfactory. This multidimensional experience integrates live technological effects, music, and artistry, crafting an atmosphere that pulsates with energy. Through a convergence of mediums, Happening Under Vesuvio serves as a platform for artists to engage with pressing contemporary themes, symbolically linked to Vesuvio’s historical impact.

This year’s themes, encapsulated by “#INSIDERS #OUTSIDERS #EXPLOSION #IMPLOSION #PERFORMANCE #ANTIPERFORMANCE,#BORDERS offer a rich tapestry for artistic exploration. Each iteration of the event centers around thematic hashtags, guiding participating artists in their explorations. Our ultimate goal is to spark dialogue and contemplation surrounding pressing issues such as the state of our planet, humanity’s relationship with nature, technological advancements, and the evolving landscape of artistic expression.

The event will take place @kulturfactory and will reshape the performing art world by
breaking boundaries and opening discussions about art,
theater, music, actions concerning climate change, new generations, gender and identity.

Within our motto BURNING ART TROUGH ART we aim to discover new interdisciplinary creations as well as to explore different links between dance, music, theater,sound installations, films and architectural ideas.

A long list of artists will join us this year :

Alessia Siniscalchi
Valeria Borrelli
Danilo Scarpati
Francesca Chiacchio
Paul Spera
Paulina Mikol
Federica Clarizia
Antonia Kube
Didier Leglise
Johnny Camping
Phil St. George
Benjamin Sillon
Marco Cappelli
Andres Balbucea
Giovanni Ambrosio
Maria Mazzella
Imma di Lillo

Valeria Borrelli

Through this project, we aim to encourage discussions and reflections on current affairs, Earth, human beings, ecology, the relationship between nature and mankind, technology and the state of artistic creation today.

Pictures by Imma Di Lillo, Giovanni Ambrosio/black Spring Graphics Studio, Roberto Di Mola, Francesca Chiacchio, Dino Bonaiuto.


Happening Under Vesuvio est un évènement que nous organisons deux fois par an à la Kulturfactory pour sensibiliser les spectateurs sur l’implosion et l’explosion actuelle de la Terre et des Humains. Une association métaphorique avec le Vésuve.
Chaque année des artistes aux pratiques différentes sont invités à travailler autour du concept des Hashtags # qui guident les créations.
Par ce projet nous cherchons à créer des échanges et des réflexions autour de l’actualité, de la Terre, de l’Humain, de l’écologie, de la technologie, ou encore de l’état de la création artistique aujourd’hui.
Images réalisées par Imma Di Lillo, Giovanni Ambrosio/black Spring Graphics Studio, Roberto Di Mola,Francesca Chiacchio, Dino Bonaiuto.


Skype: sinisca
+33 (0) 642811630

Kulturfactory Domicella

Artists willing to stay and create, we offer the possibility to apply for a few days artists residency in our factory space in Domicella. Projects having something very urgent to explore and something very powerful, are welcome to apply for the residency; please write us at : info@kultursciok.com


© Copyright - Kulturscio'k Live Art Collective